
Agricultural Awareness in the Palm and Dates Sector

  • Introduction to the service

    The Agricultural Awareness in the Date Palm Sector project aims to improve the efficiency farmers in palm cultivation and dates production by adopting the best agricultural methods and practices and advanced technologies. The project focuses on promoting sustainability and stimulating productivity with a focus on reducing costs, through a regular series of agricultural exhibitions, courses and interactive meetings in various regions, where these events will allow for direct discussions with farmers, exchange of experiences, and highlight the latest developments in the field of palm and dates cultivation and production.

  • Service Objectives

    1.   Contribute to enhancing the quality of date production in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through agricultural exhibitions and on-site workshops held in various agricultural regions in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. 
    2.  Raise awareness of sound agricultural practices for palm farms through training owners of farm and agricultural labor.
    3. Contribute to reduce agricultural costs by promoting the rationalization of water consumption on farms and contribute to reducing insect infestations and fungal diseases.
    4. Encourage the use of modern technologies to serve the palm tree. 

  • Requirements for Obtaining the Service

    No requirements

  • Frequently asked questions about the service

    Agricultural forums are a variety of events consisting of agricultural exhibitions, training workshops to introduce the optimal agricultural operations for palm care, and dialogue meetings that review successful agricultural projects in the sector

    • Farm owners
    • Agricultural laborers.
    • Students and researchers.
    • Those interested in the palm and dates sector.

    - Good agricultural practices for palm tree care.

    - Mechanism of utilization of agricultural waste.

    - Compliance mechanism for the requirements of the Global G. A. P. certification mechanism.

    - The mechanism of transition to organic agriculture.

    By following the website of the National Center for Palms & Dates and the official accounts of the Center on social media.

    - Companies providing pre-harvest services.
    - Companies providing post-harvest services.
    - Agricultural companies supplying agricultural equipment and inputs.
    - Manufacturers and suppliers of agricultural techniques.
    - Relevant government agencies that provide services related to the agricultural sector.

Service card

Beneficiary category


Service delivery channels


Service fees


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