
Center Prize for Farmers

  • Introduction to the service

    The National Centre for Palms & Dates International Prize focuses on stimulating original and impactful research along the entire date palm value chain to accelerate innovations, improve date palms productivity, and the quality of Dates in order to strengthen sustainable date palm production systems. This international prize launched with a vision to achieve excellence and promote date palm sector worldwide by encouraging entities (Government/Private); and researchers, involved in the date palm sector, to apply and share their expertise and develop impressive solutions with lasting impact in the date palm sector. The NCPD International Prize will be awarded annually, and it will provide an opportunity to bring exciting new scientific and technical advances in the date palm sector. The National Centre for Palms and Dates looks forward to reviewing the outstanding innovations, products, and research findings from future entrants.

  • Service Objectives

    • Contributing to achieving the Saudi Vision 2030 on the sustainability of natural resources and enhancing food security
    • Encouraging organizations, researchers, innovators, and farmers in the palm and date sector to tackle the challenges facing the sector and its related industries
    • Encouraging innovations and their practical applications to reduce costs, improving farm management, and increase production quality using modern technologies in the care of date palm trees
    • Improving the level of date production locally, regionally, and globally

  • Requirements for Obtaining the Service

    General Application Requirements:

    • Applications must be submitted in Arabic or English only.
    • The submitted works must not have been previously entered in other national or international awards or competitions.
    • Winners are not allowed to reapply until three years have passed since their win.
    • Applicants may apply for only one category. If they apply for more than one category, they will be disqualified.
    • All application files will be kept at the headquarters of the Secretariat of the National Center for Palms and Dates International Award with the highest level of confidentiality and will not be returned to the applicants, whether they win or not.
    • The applicant must specify the framework within which the work was carried out, potential partners and actors, and the source(s) of funding.

    Specific Application Requirements:

    Best Scientific Research Award:

    • The applicant must provide a commitment on their institution's letterhead stating that the results/innovations submitted to the scientific committee are solely from their own research. Additionally, the applicant may submit a minimum of one and a maximum of three scientific papers related to the proposed topic.

    Date Palm Technology Excellence and Innovation Award:

    • Nominations must be submitted by the head of the institution (universities/research centers/private companies/organizations/startups).

    New Product Development Award:

    • Individual applicants must submit a written application on their institution's letterhead stating that the results/innovations submitted to the committee are solely from their own research. If the applicant is an organization, the application must be submitted by the head of the organization (universities/research centers/private companies/institutions/startups).

  • Frequently asked questions about the service

    The award aims to catalyze innovative research along the entire palm value chain to accelerate innovation and improve palm production and quality. It also seeks to promote sustainable date palm production systems

    The award is open to all individuals and entities from all countries of the world.

    You cannot apply for more than one category. Applicant can only participate in one category

    Once the application is submitted, the applicant cannot edit or change the application.

    It is possible to withdraw by contacting the award team at prize@ncpd.gov.sa

    Winners are announced at the award ceremony in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia


    Best Scientific Research Award:

    • Accuracy and quality of the work
    • Uniqueness and creativity
    • Relevance
    • Global impact on educational, social, economic, and environmental levels, contributing to the development of the palm and dates sector
    • Problem-solving level
    • Work effectiveness

    Date Palm Technology Excellence and Innovation Award:

    • Uniqueness and creativity
    • Quality of work
    • Relevance
    • Target market
    • Competitive advantage
    • Feasibility and competitiveness
    • Global impact of the work on educational, social, economic, and environmental levels
    • Contribution to the development of the palm and dates sector
    • Problem addressed
    • Effectiveness of the work in solving the problem
    • Level of the organization's global impact on educational, social, economic, and environmental levels

    New Product Development Award:

    • Uniqueness and creativity
    • Quality of work
    • Relevance
    • Target market
    • Competitive advantage
    • Feasibility and competitiveness
    • Product presentation
    • Global impact of the work on educational, social, economic, and environmental levels
    • Contribution to the development of the palm and dates sector
    • Problem addressed
    • Effectiveness of the product in solving the problem

    • Innovative biotechnologies for genetically improving date palms
    • Innovations in pruning, harvesting, and protecting date palms, etc.
    • Modern and efficient scientific methods for reducing or reusing palm and date waste
    • Technologies for improving date quality and post-harvest processing, handling, and marketing
    • Innovations in pruning, harvesting, and protecting date palms, etc.
    • Mechanisms and technologies for efficient water use in irrigating date palms
    • Development of effective pollination technologies in date palms and selecting the best male palms for efficient use
    • Physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms used in date palms
    • Digital model for managing date palm farms

    The Award Timeline is:

    • Application Start Date: 6/8/2024
    • Application Deadline: 6/10/2024
    • Screening and Shortlisting: 15/10/2024
    • Judging: 1/11/2024
    • Award Announcement

Service card

Beneficiary category

Scientific bodies, Researchers, Innovators, and Farmers in the field of dates palm cultivation and date production

Service delivery channels


Service fees


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